Sunday, May 10, 2015

Diabetes and Ayurveda Treatment

Naeem | 11:39 PM | Be the first to comment!

What is ayurvedic treatment, is there an ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, how does the treatment work, what is the prognosis when using ayurvedic treatment. Why are more and more people adopting it as an alternative way of managing their diabetes? All these questions and more shall be answered in the following article.

Ayurveda is the world's oldest surviving healing system. A form of alternative medicine and the traditional system of medicine of India, the word is a composite of the words "ayu" meaning life and "Veda" meaning knowledge. Thus roughly translated Ayurveda means "the science of life" and involves the care and treatment of human beings. To bring it home more succinctly, Ayurveda's two cardinal aims are the complete elimination of disease and dysfunction of the body and secondly, the prolongation of life and promotion of perfect health.

In order to do this, Ayurveda considers the general life pattern of the individual, including his diet, behavior and health and profession. But before we go into all that, the question may be asked why anyone would want to go for this ancient system of medicine anyway. What is the attraction of such a system over the modern, generally more accepted scientific treatment of diabetes today? Well the reason is not far to seek.

First, diabetes as generally been regarded as a disease that cannot be cured, only managed. This management basically involves the subject keeping his fasting blood sugar level within a medically determine or advised range (between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter or mg/dL). Where he is able to do this, in most cases he will stop experiencing many of the symptoms of the disease and its associated complications.

To many people, this is not a cure in the true sense of the word because the individual will still be restricted to a high in fiber, low in carbohydrate, low in fat, non-smoking, none or limited alcohol intake diet as well as a continued regime of exercise and blood sugar control.

If we are to follow this reasoning, then it can be said that any "cure" which does not either rejuvenate the Beta cells (the insulin producing cells of the pancreas) as would be necessary in the case of a cure for Type 1 or help overcome the insulin resistance of the body as in the case of a cure for Type 2, cannot really be said to be one. While stem cell research- whether through the undifferentiated embryonic stem cells or (induced pluripotent) stem cells of today, brings us hope for a cure in the case of type 1, type 2 treatment still remains relatively a case of management.

Moreover, modern medical approach to treating or managing Type 2 diabetes takes dedication and discipline. In addition to that, medicine used may have side effects. For example the use of the drug metformin has been known to cause heart attacks. Again the use of insulin for the treatment of diabetes needs to be well regulated and timed so as not to inadvertently induce hypoglycemia or the obverse hyperglycemia.

Now if one is to be sincere in one's analysis, we can equally say that the ayurvedic method for the treatment of diabetes is arguably also a management one. However, the ace it perhaps holds over the modern approach is that since it is both preventive and holistic in its medical approach to the treatment of the body, it does not hold the risk of complications associated with pharmaceutical treatments.

Further, it has been scientifically ascertained that while some herbs used in ayurvedic treatment actually stimulate Beta cell production others encourage the sensitivity of the body to insulin. This then arguably constitutes a most viable alternative treatment choice for diabetes.

In classic ayurveda, diabetes was given the name Prameha which means excessive urination. It was also known as Madhumeha which is interpreted as flow of sugar from the body. Again, it was equally called Maharoga (Major disease) as almost all parts of the body is affected by it. According to Ayurveda, prameha (diabetes) is divided into 4 major types (and total 21 types). Kapha type, itself divided into 10 types, Pitta type, divided into 6 types, Vata type, divided into 4 types and sahaja which corresponds to Type 1 diabetes.

The main causes of prameha (diabetes) is said to be lack of exercise and the eating of food containing too much ushna, snigha and guru nature. Although it is also recognized that Sahaja diabetes is hereditary and caused by defects in the genetics of the patients parents.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is classified in several ways; first into the two categories of the lean diabetic and the obese diabetic. The second classification is according to causes of diabetes- Sahaja prameha (congenital) and Apathyanimittaja prameha (due to over eating and poor habits) and finally classification according to Dosha. The first two are clear. What however is Dosha?

To understand what Dosha is and indeed how Ayurvedic treatment works, we first have to understand the philosophy or "science" behind the ayuveda treatment of diabetes.

First, Ayurveda stipulates that the entire physical structure and function of man is premised on the combination of any 2 of the 5 great elements (Bhuttas). This combination will predominate and as such will determine your nature. It is this nature that is known as Dosha. Going further these combinations are categorized into Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Vata is to do with movement, Kapha, the functions of metabolism, energy production and heat while Kapha concerns itself with physical structure and fluid balance.

The Ayurvedic view is that disease is caused by an imbalance in these qualities (Vikruiti). Treatment of Type 2 diabetes like all diseases in this system therefore requires a restoration of balance (Prakruti) by detoxifying the body of the causative toxins blocking circulation and causing the dosha imbalance and also the normal function of dhatu (tissue).

Ayurvedic treatment is remarkably modern in its approach to treating diabetes. For as a doctor may reflect on the risk factors in a patient when performing diagnoses and making recommendations, Ayurveda treatments equally consider family history (in other words genetic predispositions), sex, age, body constitution (body mass index consideration), stage of the disease, diet, etc. This means that treatment will be tailored to the specific needs of each individual and that more often than not, treatment, particularly dosage will differ from patient to patient even when they suffer from the same disease and symptoms.

The foundation step in a diagnoses which can last for up to an hour will therefore be to find a person's (dosha), I.e Vatta, Pitta or Kapha. Once found, the imbalance in the dosha is elicited by asking several questions on his or her food habits, sleeping patterns, behavior, age, height and weight, place of life, profession, medical reports, health problems, etc.

By knowing the dosha, the health consultant will be able to assess dosha attributes of the patient that are out of balance and prescribe the changes required to rebalance them. In doing this, the health consultant will make use of pulse, tongue, nail and eye examinations. The health of several organs as well as the psychological state of the individual can be derived from this study and the observation and documentation of this will assist the Health consultant in treating the disease. Incidentally, it should be noted that Ayuverdic diagnosis does not preclude complimentary diagnosis via laboratory and clinical tests.

So then, once a diagnosis of diabetes has been made, how does the ayurvedic practitioner treat it? Remarkably again (the first two approach at least) bears similarity to western practice for diabetes treatment. Thus, first, if the doshas are only slightly imbalanced, then increased activity and restriction of diet is sufficient remedy.

The administration of medicine (herbs) will be called for where the doshas are moderately imbalanced. This will serve to neutralize the imbalanced dosha and along with dietary restriction and increased exercise will serve as sufficient remedy. Where the doshas are greatly imbalanced however, then in addition to diet restriction, exercise and medicines, then Panchakarma (five actions of detoxification) will have to be administered. However, Panchakarma is more appropriate for the stout or obese diabetic not the lean one who showing excessive vata dosha should focus more on medications and diet which will increase the dhatus (rebuilding or tonification of the body).

In summary therefore, it can be said that Ayurveda practice consists of four basic nodes, namely reduction (through exercise), detoxification, nourishing and tonification (through diet) and balancing (through all three). Several agents are used in calibrated amounts to achieve this. They are namely food, exercise, routine and herbs. We shall be looking at the role each of these play in our next article.

For more information on the latest diabetes treatment case studies, other proven ways of actually reversing your diabetes or managing it more effectively,visit

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Can Diabetes Be Cured? The Case for Type 2

Naeem | 11:38 PM | Be the first to comment!

As of today the prevailing wisdom is that there is no cure for diabetes, whether it is type 1 or type 2. However, it is known that in the case of type 2, following treatment, diabetes has actually been seen to go into remission in some patients. Although this may not be an outright cure, it surely gives hope that one day, a cure would be found that would do away with diabetes altogether. Some of them will be mentioned in this article.

But first, what is the evidence to show that Diabetes can indeed be reversed. Well first, it has been found that in people who qualify for bariatric surgery, that after surgery these individuals tend to quickly have their blood sugar level return to normal. Although there are some associated risks with the surgery and other post-surgery risks such as osteoporosis and nutrient deficiency, the benefits of the surgery, far outweighs the disadvantages.

The obvious and indeed often drastic improvement in patients' blood sugar status after this type of surgery and a dissatisfaction with the explanation offered by the surgeon, that it was due to the interference with appetite controlling gut hormones, led Doctor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University in 2011 to take action.

His own interpretation of why the surgery worked was that "(the surgery) led to a sudden shift of fat away from the liver and pancreas... " His approach was to using Type 2 diabetics investigate a low carbohydrate 600 calorie day diet which was calibrated to mimic the very sharp reduction in food intake after a bariatric procedure.

The diet was a liquid diet containing carbohydrate, vitamins, protein, fat, minerals and trace elements. "I predicted this could strip fat out of the liver and pancreas and both organs would return to normal - and our subsequent work has confirmed this.'

So what exactly was the study that Professor Roy embarked on that led him to confirm this. Well, it is known as the Newcastle case or diet.

In 2011 Roy Taylor and his research group at the University of Newcastle placed 11 individuals suffering from Type 2 diabetes and with a body index (weight corrected for height, the norm being 25kg/m2) of 33kg/m2 on an extreme 600 calorie liquid diet. This is supplemented by 3 portions of non-starchy vegetables a day which brings the total calorie intake to 800 calories per day for 8 weeks. Dramatically, less than a week thereafter, their blood sugar level fell from 9 to 6 mmol/l. Diabetes is said to be present when blood sugar is above 6.5mmol/l. and throughout the course of the study, it remained steady within the healthy blood sugar range.

In addition, their body mass index BMI graduated down from 33 to 29kg/m2, a direct reflection of a weight reduction from 101 to 88kg. Further it was found that this weight loss correlated greatly with a reduced amount of fat within the liver and pancreas. The result was that insulin quantity produced by the pancreas increased and the action of insulin on the liver was significantly improved.

In a corresponding second trial 54 year old Alan Tutty was able to successfully lose 26lb and reduce his weight to 13st 3lbs reversing his diabetes in the process.

Accordingly, the study did indeed prove that by a significant loss of weight, blood sugar levels in diabetes sufferers can fall and as such leave sufferers cured. This was in a controlled environment. What would happen in a non- laboratory environment? Could such an approach work in the real world. An opportunity soon presented itself.

Later that year, Richard Doughty was diagnosed with diabetes. Getting in contact with Prof Roy, he was encouraged to go on the diet. The diet consisted of the standard 800 calories and surprisingly less than two weeks (11 days) after, his blood sugar level had dropped to the non-diabetic 5.1mmol/l and he was on his next visit told by his GP "Your diabetes has resolved itself".

Nor was this just a fluke. Carlos Cervantes, 53 and from the US, already suffering from the ravages of the disease-failing kidneys and eyesight heard of Richards case and used the diet. He was able to reduce his weight from 120 to 80kg and reverse his diabetes. So too did Henry Cole, 67 of New Jersey, USA. Following the diet, he was able to reduce his weight to 70 from 81kg and his HbA1c level to 5.6% from 6.9%. And swinging back across the Atlantic again we have Steve Vincent, 58, from Southampton, England, who in December 2010 was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Following the diet with tenacity, he achieved success and was able to bring his weight down to 72 from 93kg and halve his HbA1c by bringing it down to 5.5% from a previous 10.7%.

Roy Taylors study and explanation for his results has been peer reviewed and corroborated by other scientists. One of these is Naveed Sattar, one of the UK's leading diabetes researchers and professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow. He said; if we consume more calories than we burn, we store the excess as fat. Among the places we store it are the pancreas and the liver, thus interfering with the former's capacity to produce insulin, and the latter's capacity to react to it. The effect of the extreme 600-calorie-a-day diet was to not only reduce body weight dramatically, but also to slash fat on the liver and pancreas. This then allows the pancreas to produce insulin and the liver to react to it.

But is this approach for everyone, and should you attempt it? Maybe not. Professor Roy was quick to point out that Type 2 diabetes only happens when a personal fat threshold was exceeded.

What this means is that depending on certain factors, BMI as it relates to your ethnicity, family history etc., some persons may be more predisposed to getting diabetes than others. That being the case, the amount of fat that a person can safely or should successfully try to lose may differ from one person to another. For example it has been found that some people with an apparently healthy BMI develop diabetes whilst others with BMIs in the 40s range do not.

Further, even with low BMIs people of South Asian descent can develop diabetes. As such it may be unsafe for one diabetic with a BMI less than 35 to attempt to lose as much weight as another diabetic of his weight class. Being of the same weight class does not automatically follow that their personal fat index will tally. Dr. Sattar elaborated on this "We're thinking it's about an individual's ability to make and store fat safely," he says. "Some people can store fat subcutaneously. With others, it goes straight to the liver and pancreas. That's the classic big waist, pot belly shape; the fat isn't distributed around the body." This explains why simple waist measurement - 37in or more for men, 35in for South Asian men, 31.5in for women - is now seen as a better risk indicator for diabetes than BMI.

In view of this, the sharp reduction in weight may not be for every body and it is best that one discusses it with one's doctor first before attempting to go on the diet. Though it is safe to say that losing weight within the general populations' normal range is a boon to good health.

The work continues though. The Newcastle study was in people who have type 2 diabetes of up to 4 years. Study is now being made to find out whether by a similar diet, people of longer duration diabetes could equally have their condition reversed. In a reply letter to questions frequently asked, Professor Roy Taylor continued that, "... there is good reason to believe that longer duration type 2 diabetes can be reversible, although after 10 - 15 years of diabetes it is likely that not everyone will be able to achieve a return to normal glucose control, despite major weight loss".

Whilst many are excited and bask in the euphoria of this apparent success against the disease, others demur, they opine that the true test of whether diabetes reversal amounted to a cure would depend on whether such patients can return to their old diet without hindrance. That is to say whether they can start eating anything they like again.

Well, while this may sound reasonable, it should be noted that the reversal of short duration Type 2 diabetes is premised on the individual's ability to free the pancreas and liver from excessive fat. As such where fat begins to build up again, the individual may just find him/herself sliding back into the maws of the condition.

On the obverse however (since fat build up in pancreas and liver is gradual) to contend that this automatically meant reversal did not constitute a cure would be to imply by a cure, a return to a pancreatic/liver health status the patient did not have immediately prior to the onset of the disease. In my humble opinion, in that light, reversal does constitute cure. In that very same light, it is neither safe nor expedient for such persons to return strictly to their pre-reversal diet. That indeed would be fool hardy.

So they say that Type 2 diabetes cannot be cured right? Wrong, but it takes persistence and discipline. But granted the many complications and health risks that diabetes poses, wouldn't the persistence and discipline expended on any method to permanently reverse it be worthwhile. Well here is your chance to make that a reality. For more information on this and general diabetes news, visit

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Diabetes and the Paleolithic Diet

Naeem | 11:37 PM | Be the first to comment!

What is the Paleo diet, what does it represent. Who should go on the Paleo diet? Does the Paleo diet really work? Where can you get access to examples of the Paleo diet? All these questions and more I shall be answering in the article below.

So what exactly is the Paleo diet? The Paleolithic or Paleo diet represents modern man's attempt to return to the supposed diet of his ancestors premised on the belief that these while living on such diets did not experience many of the modern day diseases of today.

Thus diseases like high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, heart disease and the like was either rare or next to non-existence in their time. Of course they had other conditions to grapple with, but the point is that this fortunate circumstance bears witness to our forebear's healthy diet. And so the expectation is that if we want to reverse some of these conditions or at the very least enjoy better health, then we must certainly make its adoption part of our health strategy. This diet would essentially have been made of lean meat, nuts, seeds and berries. Also known as the Paleolithic or caveman diet, it has been in the light of the modern day clamoring for it, termed a fad diet.

As regards the diet, the period of our ancestors under consideration is essentially the Paleolithic era (hence the name of the diet) -a period lasting about 2.5 million years and which ended around 10,000 years ago with the beginning of animal domestication and agriculture.

The underlying basis for the theory is evolutionary discordance hypothesis, itself a subset of evolutionary medicine. The seeds of the hypothesis is to be found in the 1970s work of Walter Voegtlin, the gastroenterologist.

Its basic premise is that man is genetically adapted to the nutritional needs of food to be found in the Paleolithic period. These needs have not changed and remained adapted to the diet of the said ancestors. Despite the availability of a wide variety of relatively new foods like legumes, grains, dairy, and high in calorie processed foods -the main stay of much of our modern day diet, human metabolism the hypothesis claims, remain maladjusted to them. The result is these foods improper breakdown and assimilation by the body, leading to the health conditions- heart disease, high blood pressure, and yes-diabetes, earlier spoken of.

The answer to this was the Paleolithic diet. One man-Loren Cordain set out to let the world know this. He wrote his book-"The Paleo Diet" in 2002, popularized the diet and in fact being so recognized as an authority on it was by 2009 able to successfully trademark the term "Paleo Diet". By the late 2000s, the diet had gained in popularity riding on the back of several steeds, namely that of an appeal to nature and efficacy.

That said, the logic behind the diet has come under fire. First it has been criticized on the premise that there is no concrete evidence to show exactly what human beings ate during the Paleolithic period. Secondly, that evidence shows that Paleolithic man did in fact eat legumes and grains. Thirdly, that the surmise having humans adapted to specific local diets is unproven. Further, that humans are capable of greater nutritional flexibility than the diet gives them credit for and finally, that the Paleolithic period was an extremely lengthy period which saw human existence in different geographies offering different foods.

In addition it is argued that Paleolithic man did not suffer from diseases of affluence; diabetes, etc. because he hardly ever lived long enough to develop them. More convincing however is the argument that the underlying cause of such diseases is excess food energy in contrast to energy used, rather than the uptake of specific foods.

This makes sense especially if one considers that being foragers, our hunter gatherer ancestors were constantly on the move and were want in that process to burn off if they had any, their excess food energy. This lifestyle has been eliminated in modern day society and replaced by in by and large a sedentary one, where the opportunities providing ease and convenience for getting goods and services has resulted in less and less physical activity and as such a mismatch between the energy we consume and the energy we actually need. This excess energy then, deprived of avenues for dissipation, transcribes to fat, clogged arteries, stressed organs and consequently the diseases of affluence we see today.

So what then does the diet comprise? Let's look at that in detail. We have already stated that it is essentially constituted of lean meat, nuts, seeds and berries whilst eschewing grains, dairy products and refined processed foods. But in what quantities and ratios, one may ask should these foods be taken? Well because the claim is that protein comprises 19%-35% of the calories in hunter-gatherer diets Cordain stipulates that the diet calls for a similar amount, meaning more proteins and meat.

This is greater than that of the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention which advises the derivation of 10-35% of calories from protein. In addition to this, proponents of the diet stipulate that the Paleolithic diets fat content is higher than that of modern day diets. However such fat should comprise mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated and omega-3 fats but avoid omega -6 and trans- fats.

In this diet, the main source of carbohydrates is to be non-starchy fruits and vegetables which will comprise essentially 35-45% of daily calories. It will also have a high fiber content but this is to be derived from the non-starchy vegetables and fruits not grains. However it should be noted that calcium is lacking in the Paleolithic diet and as such must be supplemented in order to prevent bone mineral loss.

On the obverse food groups which in the proponent's opinion were hardly or never eaten during the Paleolithic age are barred from the diet. These are gluten containing foods-essentially grains for instance like barley, wheat and rye; processed oils, salt, refined sugar, dairy products, legumes like beans and peanuts. Again, it should be noted that coffee and alcohol are not regarded as Paleo as our ancestors could not produce these.

But the arguments and counter arguments aside, is the Paleo diet really effective to prevent or counter the effects of diseases like diabetes? Let's see.

In 2007 a study was made by Lindeberg on 29 diabetic patients with either glucose intolerance or type two diabetes. Common to both though was the incidence of ischemic heart disease. These individuals were divided into two groups and placed on either a Mediterranean or Paleolithic diet. A Mediterranean diet comprises basically whole grains, low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish, oils, and margarine. Similar to a Paleolithic diet excepting that a Paleolithic diet doesn't contain dairy products or grain. The results were interesting. They showed that although there was a marked improvement in glucose tolerance in both groups, the improvement was far greater in the group on the Paleolithic diet.

Further in 2009, a study was carried out by Jonsson and his colleagues to determine the health benefits of the Paleolithic diet on Type 2 diabetics. It involved the assessment of the Paleolithic and diabetes diet. The results once again favored the former with patient's on the Paleolithic diet reporting lower mean values of hemoglobin A1c, body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, weight, and waist circumference, with higher mean values for high-density lipoprotein.

Other studies; O'Dea's study of the effects of a Paleolithic diet on 10 northwest Australian Aboriginal type 2 diabetes patients in the 1980s equally attests among other benefits to the Paleolithic diets, blood sugar lowering qualities.

Supporting evidence can equally be adduced from Osterdahls uncontrolled 3-week study of a Paleolithic diet in 14 healthy subjects which showed that even short-term consumption of a Paleolithic type diet improves blood pressure and glucose tolerance, increases insulin sensitivity, decreases insulin secretion,, and improves lipid profiles without weight loss in healthy sedentary humans.

As such though vaunted that any regime for a Paleolithic diet should be supplemented with vitamin D and calcium in which it is deficient, and that more controlled study needs to be made before a more concrete statement can be put out on its health benefits, with the foregoing said, it is obvious that in considering a diabetic diet, evidence does suggest that the Paleolithic diet is a viable candidate diet for diabetics.

The Paleolithic or Paleo diet represents mans attempt to get back to the diet of his ancestors. A diet which saved his ancestors from many of the diseases of affluence-Diabetes included, man suffers from today. For more information on a proven program that effectively enables a diabetic permanently stabilize his blood sugar level and avoid diabetes related complications visit

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Diabetes and Ayurveda Treatment (2) - The Role of Food, Exercise, Routine and Herbs in Ayurveda

Naeem | 11:36 PM | Be the first to comment!

The Role of Food

As may already be noted, food is important in ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. In fact it is regarded as ausadam-medicine in Ayurveda. Its bid in Ayurveda (treatment) is based on the fact that beyond the calories and nutrients that we know food for, it has other qualities-six tastes (rasa) and their associated energy (virya).

On entering the mouth, food will elicit one of either two possible responses - Either one, an immediate cooling response or two a heating response. "Pungent, salty and sour foods have a heating virya, while bitter sour and sweet foods have a cooling virya". In addition to this, each food has gunas-certain qualities affecting the dosha in certain ways. Further to this, certain foods were prabhava (had a non-typical effect).

Thus by following these special effects of food on the human body, it was possible for ayurvedic practitioners to distill the causes of disease and the properties and effects of food on the human system. This accordingly enabled practitioners to create diets that could decrease the kapha, pitta and vata doshas by skilfully tailoring various tastes, associated qualities (gunas) and energetics to the individual's diet.

The ayurvedic diet consists mostly of vegetables and unprocessed foods and as study shows such a diet is very helpful in the control of diabetes. For example the results of a study carried out by Dr James showed that diabetics who consumed a high carbohydrate, high fiber diet (sattvic diet), were in the case of diabetic Type 1s, able to lower their insulin medication by an average of 40%. In addition to that, 24 out of the 25 diabetics tested in the study were able to stop completely the use of insulin within a few weeks.

The Role of Exercise

As stated before, exercise is a part of the ayurvedic system for the treatment of diabetes and disease in general. Here the recommendation is a daily regimen to promote good health and longevity. This approach particularly when tailored to an individual's Dosha balance need, has a dual focus; on one hand the physical benefits conferred by exercise and on the other, its beneficial effects on the psyche, i.e. the mind, senses, heart and spirit.

Such exercise must however be done in moderation in order to gain the full benefits and avoid associated risk- the creation of damage causing free radicals. Rather in exercising, an individual is to incorporate the concept of balaardh or the use of half of one's strength. This means that if you could do 30 press ups on the spot, then what you should rather do is 15. When exercise is done this way- within ones comfort zone, it is more enhancing of overall well-being. Such exercise should be done in the morning as it would boost energy levels for the day and assist sleeping at night.

The Role of Routine

Timing in the ayurvedic system as may have already been observed is very important and is incorporated into the ayurvedic concept of daily routine (dincharya). This daily routine consists of all aspects of regimen and diet and has been accorded the strongest healing force of all curative medicines.

Daily routine can be broken down into waking up, after waking up, elimination or toileting, cleaning of one's self, giving one's self an oil massage, exercise, taking a bath, meditation, breakfast, lunch, twilight, supper and going to bed. All of these points have specific instructions with regards to how or when they are to be done.

The two that stand out however are the wake up stage- about two hours prior to dawn between 4.30 am and 5.00am and, twilight. Waking up two hours before dawn because sattva is most plentiful in the air at this time and twilight, because it is regarded as the best time for one to see ones true self.

Seasonal routine is also very important. Since different seasons elicit different body needs, the observation of seasonal routine will enable the individual maintain balance even as the seasons change. Thus briefly we have the Kapha season (spring and early summer); Pitta season (Midsummer through early autumn); Vata season (late fall through winter).

These seasons all also have their dos and don'ts which should be followed if the best advantages for maintaining balance is to be ensured. Here special emphasis is placed on what one should and shouldn't eat as the seasons change. Nevertheless, it has been suggested by modern scholars that this should serve as a guide to aid the body in maintaining its balance and equilibrium rather than as a strict weather-food guide.

The Role of Medicinal herbs

Herbs are well used in ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. Thus the use of Pterocarpus Marsupium (Indian kino) has been scientifically shown to not only improve insulin levels but to also stimulate beta cell regeneration. In addition to this, the Indian Genera Sylvestre has been found to improve the ability of insulin to lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics. Other herbs which have been documented to be efficacious in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes are cinnamon, Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) and Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). All these help to lower blood sugar level.

In conclusion therefore, being premised on over six thousand years of development. With the systems effectiveness for treating diabetes. With this effectiveness becoming more known, and while being effective avoiding the occurrence of side effects associated with the prolonged use of conventional drugs, it is certain that ayurveda as an alternative system for the treatment of diabetes shall definitely gain more traction and become more and more popular in the future.

In the first part of this article "Diabetes and Ayurvedic treatment", we talked basically about the philosophy behind Ayurveda, its principles, application, disease diagnosis and treatment. In this article we looked in detail at Ayurvedas treatment pillars- the application of and role that food, exercise, routine and herbs play in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. For more information on a sure-fire way to completely reverse your Type 2 diabetes (no gimmicks) visit

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