Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Are You Suffering From Diabetes? Best Ways to Take Care of Your Feet

Naeem | 1:29 AM |
Diabetes UK (Version 3, March 2014) has found 3.2 million people are diagnosed with diabetes in the UK in 2013. Also, by 2025, five million people might have diabetes in the UK. While diabetes is a serious problem, your health may get worsened if you find you are suffering from foot problems because of diabetes. Yes, it has been found that many Britons who have diabetes suffer from foot problems. So, if you have diabetes, Type 1 or 2, you must take proper care of your feet to keep it healthy and fit in all seasons and weather.

If you have a rash on your face or hands, you notice it immediately. Unfortunately, most of the time a rash or cut in our foot goes unnoticed which if left untreated for a long time leads to serious complications such as amputation.

If you don't control diabetes, it starts affecting your nerves, muscles, sweat glands and disrupts blood circulation in the feet and legs resulting in amputations. You must therefore check your feet every day when suffering from diabetes to prevent foot related complications. Mostly, people suffer from lower limb amputations according to the findings of Diabetes UK. In 80% cases, amputations in diabetes patients are preventable. You must visit a good doctor every month to get your feet checked properly. The check-up may include carefully seeing your foot skin, whether any rashes or redness has appeared and reading the pulses and temperature of your foot.

How Can Diabetes Affect Your Feet?

Diabetes can cause two main problems that can affect your feet: Diabetic neuropathy and Peripheral vascular disease.
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
If you don't control diabetes and the glucose level in your blood constantly rises, it will soon lead to nerve damage. Damaged nerves in your foot and legs might cause pain and lead to lose of sensation in your foot. This loss of feeling is medically known as "sensory diabetic neuropathy". It might happen you had a cut in your foot but you didn't have any pain or sensation until your parents or friends told you had a cut. Leaving cuts untreated for days might lead to serious complications including fungus infection. Moreover, your foot muscles may stop functioning because of damaged nerves in the foot muscles. Inactive foot muscles might lead to exerting too much pressure on one area of your foot leading to balance and posture problem. According to some studies, many amputations lead to foot ulceration due to nerve damage and poor blood flow to the foot and leg. Various studies have also suggested that there are about 80,000 people with foot ulcers in the UK.
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
If you have diabetes, it will surely affect the flow of blood to your foot and legs. Without proper blood flow, it will take time to heal any cut or bruises. Poor blood circulation in the arms and legs is medically termed as "peripheral vascular disease". The condition also affects blood flow to the heart. If you have a cut which is not healed quickly, chances are you will develop ulcers or gangrene, which is death of tissue due to lack of blood.
Tips for Diabetes Foot Care
  • Daily Care
You must wash and clean your feet with mild soap and warm water. After drying your foot, apply moisturizer cream or lotion on your feet to prevent dry skin. Do not soak your feet in warm water, as you might develop fungus infection.
  • Weekly Care
To prevent ingrown toenails cut your toenails straight with a nail clipper. Round the corners of your toe nails or cut down the sides to make them smooth.
Singh Vikash writes for MBT Shoes UK. MBT shoes with patented curved sole give greatest comfort when walking or standing for long time. MBT's keep all foot muscles active and improve posture and alignment. Follow us on facebook and stay updated with MBT footwear products.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8978864

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