Sunday, May 10, 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - Autism in Children May Be Tied to Gestational Diabetes

Naeem | 11:03 AM |

Gestational, or pregnancy-related diabetes can cause numerous problems for mothers and their children. Recent evidence suggests children from pregnancies complicated by Gestational diabetes could be at risk for autism. Investigators at Kaiser Permanente in Pasadena and other research centers in the United States conducted a study on the subject and published the outcome in the Journal of the American Medical Association in April 2015. Using a large number of participants, they compared different types of diabetes and their time of onset to cases of autism to get a more rigorous and detailed look at the subject.

The study included 322,323 children born at Kaiser Permanente Southern California Hospitals from 1995 to 2009...

    a total of 6496 women had a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes before conception,
    7456 women who had been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes at 26 weeks pregnancy or earlier, and
    17,579 who had been diagnosed with Gestational diabetes after 26 weeks pregnancy.

It was found 3388 children were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder...

    a total of 115 were exposed to Type 2 diabetes from conception,
    130 children had been exposed to Gestational diabetes before or at 26 weeks, and
    180 were exposed after 26 weeks.

Children not exposed to diabetes numbered 2963.

Children whose mothers had Type 2 diabetes diagnosed before pregnancy had a 21 percent higher risk of autism than children with healthy mothers. Children whose mothers were diagnosed with Gestational diabetes had a 42 percent higher risk.

Being exposed to antidiabetic medications, having a relative with autism, mother's weight before conception, smoking, and weight gain during pregnancy did not affect children's chances of developing autism spectrum disorder.

Earlier beliefs notwithstanding, autism is now thought to be caused before birth. The uterus is probably the most important environment any of us lives in. We have only begun to learn how it affects growth and development. Autism spectrum disorder could be one more reason to prevent or control Gestational diabetes.

Risk factors for developing diabetes during pregnancy are basically the same as for Type 2 diabetes - being overweight and having a sedentary lifestyle. Getting into good shape before pregnancy includes normalizing weight and getting into the habit of regular exercise. In general, most healthy women can exercise as much during pregnancy as before, but should not get overheated or short of breath. Discuss your eating plan and exercise program with your obstetrician or midwife before conception or as early in the pregnancy as possible.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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