Sunday, May 10, 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - High Blood Sugar, Obesity and Heart Disease

Naeem | 11:02 AM |

The medical community sees Type 2 diabetes as a worrisome disease and it's exactly for this reason there are many awareness programs in place to help increase the public's understanding of this form of diabetes. It's a feared disease by those who truly understand Type 2 diabetes because it has devastating potential effects on one's health and, in certain circumstances, it may be the instigator of a fatality. Unfortunately, the general public largely underestimates diabetes. Current prevalence rates of diabetes in North America alone would clearly suggest an epidemic, though thankfully it's a manageable disease in most of its aspects.

With that said, even the most optimistic Type 2 diabetic would still be at risk for several conditions, not to mention a decreased life expectancy. This is why proper treatment and management is so crucial.

One serious complication associated with Type 2 diabetes is heart disease. The heart is your body's most vital organ, with the essential function of supplying blood carrying nutrients and oxygen to different tissues and systems within your body. As you can imagine, any condition affecting your heart will likely result in severe ramifications.

To say it's imperative to have a healthy heart would be an understatement.

The reason Type 2 diabetes facilitates the development of heart disease is tied to the perilous processes that gives rise to this form of diabetes in the first place. Any type of obesity or excessive amount of abdominal fat is a primary risk factor for both conditions. High blood LDL cholesterol and triglycerides often accompany adiposity and are also factors contributing to the development of heart disease. High blood sugar levels don't help matters either due to their aggravating effects on the entire body.

By adjusting your lifestyle to treat these complications you can effectively lower your risk of heart disease and the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes.

Coronary artery disease is the most prevalent form of heart disease, with conceivably lethal consequences. Overtime, excess fats in your bloodstream may deposit along arterial walls, forming plaque. When this occurs along the lining of your coronary arteries, the vessels will narrow and restrict blood flow. Moreover, plaque is relatively unstable and may break away from arterial walls without notice. This may result in a blood clot, inhibiting blood flow to your heart, where a potentially fatal heart attack could occur.

Fortunately, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease are intertwined. Hence by treating your Type 2 diabetes effectively, you're also taking preventive action against heart disease.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

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